"Lily-of-the-Valley" 12"x16" oil on panel Lily-of-the-Valley mock up white.jpg

"Lily-of-the-Valley" 12"x16" oil on panel

from $1,100.00
"Mother's Day Flowers" 12"x12" oil on panel mothers-day-2000px.jpg

"Mother's Day Flowers" 12"x12" oil on panel

from $500.00
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"Thoughts of Monet - Irises" 16"x20" oil on panel

"Orchid - Gold and Crimson" 14'x24" oil on linen canvas 329538232_546550107253255_4902121384779120468_n.jpg

"Orchid - Gold and Crimson" 14'x24" oil on linen canvas

"Red Amaryllis with Pears" 14"x24" oil on linen canvas amaryllis-chair.jpg

"Red Amaryllis with Pears" 14"x24" oil on linen canvas

"Lilacs in Dappled Light" 14'x18" oil on panel Empty_Room (61).jpg

"Lilacs in Dappled Light" 14'x18" oil on panel

"Peonies and Poems" 16"x20" oil on panel peonies_and_poems-16x20thimgan.jpg

"Peonies and Poems" 16"x20" oil on panel

"Friday's Child - Mixed Daffodils" 12"x16" oil on panel fridays-child-mockup.jpg

"Friday's Child - Mixed Daffodils" 12"x16" oil on panel

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Daffodils and a White Bowl, 11"x14" oil on panel

"Pride and Prejudice with Tea" 16"x20" oil on linen Pride and Prejudice with Tea 052024 16x20 oil cotton 2000px.jpg

"Pride and Prejudice with Tea" 16"x20" oil on linen

from $1,000.00
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"Small Red Begonias" 8"x10" oil on panel

"Green Hydrangea" 9"x12" oil on panel framed hydrangea in situ.jpg

"Green Hydrangea" 9"x12" oil on panel

from $350.00
"Yellow Zinnias on the Table" 8"x8" oil on panel IMG_0376.jpg

"Yellow Zinnias on the Table" 8"x8" oil on panel

from $215.00