georgette-3.jpg Georgette-Heyer_at_Desk-watermarked.png

"Georgette Heyer by the Window" (Talisman Ring Georgette II) 14"x18" oil on panel

"Young Writer" or Young Georgette (The Black Moth G. Heyer)" 16"x20" oil on panel georgette-wall-insitu.jpg

"Young Writer" or Young Georgette (The Black Moth G. Heyer)" 16"x20" oil on panel

"The Reader" 30"x24"x1.5" Oil on Linen Canvas The-Reader-2007-18x24oilonlinen.jpg

"The Reader" 30"x24"x1.5" Oil on Linen Canvas

Anne and Gilbert - "I just want you." original oil on Arches Oil paper 9734565E-439A-40B9-AC76-9CE596325EFF.jpeg

Anne and Gilbert - "I just want you." original oil on Arches Oil paper

Pride and Prejudice: Lizzie and Mr Darcy Proposal Accepted original oil on Arches paper pandpunframedmockup.jpg

Pride and Prejudice: Lizzie and Mr Darcy Proposal Accepted original oil on Arches paper
